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GA700 drives making waves
RiF010 has been completed! RiF010 is a water sports center in the middle of Rotterdam where people can surf, bodyboard, kayak and even scuba dive from July 2024. To realize this, the Steigersgracht has been closed off from the rest of the Rotte River and the water will be purified. An installation has been placed in the canal to create artificial waves.
The basin has two installations; one to purify the water, one to produce the waves. The wave installation consists of 8 blowers that on average can produce a wave of 1.5 meters height every 7 seconds. Each blower has its own so-called "wave chamber". On behalf of Hellebrekers, we supplied a Yaskawa GA700 drive for each wave chamber. This ensures that the water is pumped up to make the waves. Hellebrekers has been involved in RiF010 from the initiation phase and we are proud to have supplied the drives for this beautiful project.